I was tagged by the lovely Bethan from Bethan Grace to do this tag. She also has a Youtube channel that I love so check it out here.
The rules are:
1. In your post, be sure to link back and thank the blogger that previously tagged you
2. Answer the questions below and tag at least 5 other bloggers and;
3. Include the badge in your post
1. Your top five favourite blogs to read in 2013
2. List your five most read blog posts of 2013
BooTea Teatox Review
What I got for Christmas 2013
Bargain of the Week: Missguided Playsuit
Is your 'it' bag still doing it for you?
Dupe Day: The Zara Skort
3. Name one blog you wish you had found sooner
I have the same dilemma as Bethan, where really I only started using Bloglovin in 2014 so didn't discover new blogs until then. However, yesterday I came across a blogger called Jaye from bedinthekitchen.co.uk. I am a sucker for lovely photography.
4. Your favourite blog post of 2013
My post 'Is your 'it' bag still doing it for you?' post which you can find here. It was a piece I wrote while at the London College of Fashion studying fashion journalism.
5. What would you like to improve (if anything) on your blog this year?
I would love to do more outfit posts as they seem to be the best received and I really enjoy doing them.
6. Name one blog you have a blog crush on
Rachel from Rachel Says Fabulous. She is absolutely stunning, and posts the best swatches I have come across!
7. How often do you post?
I don't really have a set schedule, which I should. But whenever I feel inspired or have some free time, I'll just bang out a few posts to publish throughout the week.
8. Share your first post of 2013
My first ever blog post was in July 2013 and I created a Missguided wishlist which you can read here.
9. Name one thing you'd be doing if you weren't typing this post right now
Probably sleeping, I sleep a lot.
10. What have you loved the most about blogging this year?
Talking to new people that share the same passion. Now I don't live at university, it's hard to meet new people and socialise. However, the blogging world has completely opened up a little community for me.
I tag:
Rachel: rachelsaysfabulous.blogspot.co.uk
Katie: beautyandlifestylediary.blogspot.co.uk
Meg: theperksofmeg.blogspot.co.uk
Michaela: michaela-la.blogspot.co.uk
And anyone else who wants to do it!
I tag:
Rachel: rachelsaysfabulous.blogspot.co.uk
Katie: beautyandlifestylediary.blogspot.co.uk
Meg: theperksofmeg.blogspot.co.uk
Michaela: michaela-la.blogspot.co.uk
And anyone else who wants to do it!
Thank you for tagging me Ruby, I shall get started straight away! :) xx
ReplyDeleteThanks for tagging me lovely! If you don't already know i'm currently holding a giveaway on my blog, it's not much but it'd be great if you could enter :)
ReplyDeletehttp://theperksofmeg.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/giveaway-thank-you-for-100-followers.html x